Eclipse Sporthorses West Facility
This intimate property is the perfect home for your favorite horse. Eclipse West is the smallest of our 3 properties and features a variety of boarding options including pasture board.
Full Board
(Inquire for stall availability)
Large 12x12, rubber matted stalls generously bedded with pine sawdust
Stalls equipped with high-powered fans & cameras
Twice daily feedings of Purina or Buckeye feeds
High quality tifton hay in stalls
All day or all night turnout in grass pastures (3-5 horses per turnout group)
Supplements, blanketing, fly masks/spraying included
Pasture Board
$350/month + feed/hay
$575/month all-inclusive
(2+ spaces currently available)
17 acres of 24/7 grass turnout
Twice daily feedings of owner-provided feed
All horses separated for individual feeding of precise meals
Small groups of 3-5 horses per pasture
Tack and equipment storage in dedicated tack room
Barn features
3 stall shedrow barn
12x12 rubber matted, generously bedded stalls
Stalls equipped with high-powered fans and cameras
Great barn for Florida - airy and shaded
Multiple outdoor concrete wash racks
Large tack room with dedicated space for each boarder
Ph.D. Owner/Manager on site
Friendly facility catering to students and Gainesville residents

Turnout features
Daily all day or all night turnout in small groups of 3-5 horses
Fenced entirely with new no-climb horse fence with top board and electric
Large, established grass pastures routinely sprayed and fertilized
Big, beautiful trees provide plenty of shade and protection from the elements
Clean water and free-choice mineral provided in every paddock
Riding Areas
Arena with full jump course (more pictures below)
Round pen
Miles of local trails
Quick hack to East Facility to use the arena and roundpen there
15 minute haul to Canterbury Showplace
Short haul to HITS, Williston Horseman's Park, and many state parks
English and Western riders welcome!