Eclipse Sporthorses East Facility
This 58-acre property is located 1/4 mile away from our West Facility. Our farm features large grass pastures with shade trees. Riding arena, tack room with private tack lockers, wash racks and is a full service boarding facility, with many amenities and lots of extra love for your horse.
Full Board $795/month
(3+ stalls available now)
Extra Large 14x14, rubber matted stalls generously bedded with pine sawdust
High powered fans permanently installed in stalls
14x36 runs off of each stall
Twice daily feedings of Purina or Buckeye feeds
High quality tifton hay in stalls
All day or all night turnout in grass pastures
Supplements, blanketing, fly masks/spraying included
Tack and equipment storage in air conditioned and individually keyed, 4x4 walk-in tack lockers
Free trailer parking
Pasture Board
(+ feed/hay)
$85/month additional for private pasture
(3+ spaces currently available)
58 acres of 24/7 grass turnout
Brand new no-climb horse fencing with a top board
Twice daily feedings of owner-provided feed
All horses separated for individual feeding of precise meals
Run in shed and large trees for shade in pasture
Tack and equipment storage in dedicated tack room
Quick hack to west facility to use amenities there
Beautiful new lighted arena and attached, shaded and lighted roundpen
Barn features
Extra Large 14x14, rubber matted, generously bedded stalls
High powered fans permanently installed in stalls
14x36 runs off of each stall
Twice daily feedings of high quality Buckeye and Purina feeds
Supplements, blanketing, fly masks /spraying included
Tack and equipment storage in air conditioned and individually keyed, 4x4 walk-in tack lockers
Free trailer parking

turnout features
58 acres of grass turnouts
Brand new no-climb horse fencing with a top board installed January 2017
All day or all night private or semi-private turnout for stall boarders
24/7 turnout in groups or private pastures for pasture boarders
Riding Areas
Arena with full jump course (more pictures below)
Round pen
Quick hack to west facility to use arena and roundpen there
Miles of local trails
15 minute haul to Canterbury Showplace
Short haul to HITS, Williston Horseman's Park, and many state parks
English and Western riders welcome!